Another smashing Rapp Forward fundraiser in Rappahannock Co!

Last weekend at the home of Linda and John Donovan, over 100 guests came out in support of razor-thin races in VA that will determine control of the House of Delegates and State Senate! Sen. Creigh Deeds, former House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn, and Del Jennifer Carroll Foy roused the crowd for three hot Democratic candidates: Russet Perry for Senate 31, Travis Nembhard for House 22, and Josh Thomas for House 21. Jason Ford, our candidate for Senate 28, also joined the crowd. We raised over $50,000 for these crucial contests. By the end of the evening, a harvest super-moon shone down on the hills of our beautiful county. A good omen!

Click on the photo gallery for photo details.


Jennifer Wexton Announces having PD on World Parkinson’s Disease Day

“On #WorldParkinsonsDay, I’m here to share that I’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. I’m doing well, and I want to bring about as much good from this diagnosis as I can—including here in Congress”
                                                  — Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton 4/11/23

To watch her announcement, click the following FB link:

To read her announcement, click the following link: Rep. Wexton Shares Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis | U.S. House of Representatives

The Rappahannock Democratic Committee supports Congresswoman Wexton and everyone who is challenged by a chronic disease. We will continue to fight for recourses for disease management and cures.

Learn more about Parkinson’s Disease at Homepage | Parkinson’s Foundation.
