This is just a partial list of the bounty you can find in our beautiful county. Be sure to visit the Rappahannock County Farm Tour, September 23-24, 2023, from 11 am to 5 pm. https://rappfarmtour.org

Weekly farmers markets:

Community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms:

  • Waterpenny Farm, 53 Waterpenny Lane, Sperryville. Farm shares available and walk-in sales during the season. https://waterpennyfarm.com/

Farm markets:

  • River Jordan Farm, 6 Shiloh Lane, Flint Hill, VA. Lamb, beef, pork, eggs grown on the farm. Orders taken. http://www.riverjordanfarm.com/
  • Roy’s Orchard, 64 Old Hollow Rd, Sperryville VA. A vast assortment of veggies, fruit, eggs, pies, and market goods. Open 8 am to 8 pm every day. (540) 987-8636
  • Jenkin’s Orchard, 355 Yancy Rd, Woodville. A wide array of fruits and veggies in season. Open 9 am to 6 pm every day. (540) 987-8192
  • William’s Orchard, 3 Williams Lane, Flint Hill VA. Open 9 am to 5 pm every day. Huge variety of apples and locally grown fruits. (540) 675-3765

Wineries, Breweries, and Distilleries:


Jennifer Wexton Announces having PD on World Parkinson’s Disease Day

“On #WorldParkinsonsDay, I’m here to share that I’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. I’m doing well, and I want to bring about as much good from this diagnosis as I can—including here in Congress”
                                                  — Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton 4/11/23

To watch her announcement, click the following FB link: https://fb.watch/jT_QG7loVV/

To read her announcement, click the following link: Rep. Wexton Shares Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis | U.S. House of Representatives

The Rappahannock Democratic Committee supports Congresswoman Wexton and everyone who is challenged by a chronic disease. We will continue to fight for recourses for disease management and cures.

Learn more about Parkinson’s Disease at Homepage | Parkinson’s Foundation.
