Jennifer Wexton Announces having PD on World Parkinson’s Disease Day

“On #WorldParkinsonsDay, I’m here to share that I’ve been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. I’m doing well, and I want to bring about as much good from this diagnosis as I can—including here in Congress”
                                                  — Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton 4/11/23

To watch her announcement, click the following FB link:

To read her announcement, click the following link: Rep. Wexton Shares Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis | U.S. House of Representatives

The Rappahannock Democratic Committee supports Congresswoman Wexton and everyone who is challenged by a chronic disease. We will continue to fight for recourses for disease management and cures.

Learn more about Parkinson’s Disease at Homepage | Parkinson’s Foundation.


The RCDC’s April General Meeting with Benefits

WHEN:            Saturday, April 15, 1 pm to 4 pm

WHERE:          Little Washington Winery

                        72 Christmas Tree Lane, Washington VA

To liven things up for Spring, our next General Meeting will be at the Winery, where we held our meet-and-greet for Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton a year ago. 

Arrive by 12:30 for coffee and conversation. The meeting begins at 1 pm and lasts one hour. 

Then stick around for live music by guitarist Josh Lowe at 2 pm. And sample some excellent wine and beer!

