We Need You!

As cheerful, warm, friendly poll greeters outside the polling place on November 8, we are there to make our fellow Democrats feel safe and supported.

It doesn’t take much–a wave, a thumbs-up, or a piece of leftover Halloween candy can make all the difference.

We want to have a strong presence at the Amissville, Chester Gap, Little Washington, Sperryville, Flint Hill and Castleton firehouses.

You can make it an adventure and bring a friend.

Contact us to let us know what works for you!



COFFEE and CANVASSING (and a meeting in-between!


Our next RCDC General Meeting is coming up!

WHEN: Saturday, August 13, 10am to 11am

WHERE: The Rappahannock Library, 4 Library Rd, Washington VA

Doors open at 9:30am for coffee and conversation. We come to order at 10am and promise not to take more than an hour of your valuable weekend! 

Warren Breiseth, our field rep from Team Wexton, will join us to give us the latest news on the campaign. He’ll then lead off a weekend of door-knocking in the county right after we adjourn. Bring your cell phone and a partner, and consider spending some time talking to our neighbors and getting out the vote. As we just saw in Kansas, Democrats knocking on doors and talking to their neighbors turned the tide on abortion rights in the state!
