February 12th General Meeting

We look forward to seeing you at our next general meeting on Saturday, February 12 at 10 AM via Zoom.

(We hope to meet in person again in April!)

We’ll be joined by Lynlee Thorne, Political Director of Rural GroundGame, to talk about today’s politics in rural Virginia. Find out more about this organization at https://www.ruralgroundgame.org

Contact Chair Mary-Sherman Willis for the ZOOM link, bylaw draft, agenda, and January 2022 minutes.

And sign up to be on the RCDC Mailing list to get RCDC news delivered to your inbox: Email Signup | Rappahannock County Democratic Committee (rappdems.org)

You can also get regular updates via our FB page: Rappahannock County Democrats | Facebook


You are invited to a Brunch!

For December, instead of our usual monthly meeting on the 11th, the RCDC is having a brunch!

Note: because Covid numbers are creeping up in the county, we ask that attendees please be vaccinated.

When: Saturday, December 11, 2021, 10 a.m. to noon.
Where: 70 Little Eldon Lane, Woodville VA 22749. 

We’ll provide coffee, juice and egg frittata. Guests are encouraged to bring fruit, pastries, pancakes, donuts and whatever other goodies you might like. 

Please RSVP to Chair, Mary-Sherman Willis.

See you there!


The Next RCDC General Meeting

Our next meeting will be Saturday, November 13 at the Rappahannock County Library (4 Library Rd, Washington). Doors open at 9:30 am for coffee and conversation. The meeting starts at 10 am. Masking is encouraged. For those who are not attending in-person meetings, this meeting will also be held via Zoom. Contact Chair Mary-Sherman Willis for the link, or join the Rappahannock County Democrats Facebook page.


RCDC October General Meeting

Because Covid infection numbers are going down in the county, the 10-09-21 RCDC meeting will be a hybrid in-person/Zoom at the Rappahannock County Library (4 Library Rd, Washington). Doors open at 9:30 am for coffee and conversation. The meeting starts at 10. Masking is encouraged.

For those who still feel hesitant, here is a Zoom link so they can still take part. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88616260788?pwd=NFNTbVIwOWNHMlNRRHpOaEkxc0xXUT09

Immediately following the meeting, we’ll meet outside the library for our Get Out the Vote Door-knocking Launch. We’ll be focusing on the village of Sperryville, Washington, and Flint Hill.

So this is a call for volunteers! All you need is a cellphone and a car. It’s more fun with a partner. We’ll provide the lists and instructions. You’ll have the rest of the weekend to complete your list. And while you’re at it, pick up some signs and bumper stickers (hot off the presses!). 

We’ll be canvassing every weekend until Election Day, November 2. Let’s get out the vote for McAuliffe, Ayala, Herring, and our own Doug Ward for Delegate—and Hold the Democratic Majority in Richmond!


RCDC Meeting September 11

As much as we loved seeing your faces in person at our last monthly General Meeting, due to the spike in Covid cases in Rappahannock, we’re returning to Zoomworld.

Please join us online this Saturday September 11 at 10 AM at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87970931349?pwd=djErQTVCRi90aE5sTHlsbFdMVE1idz09

We’ll send a reminder the night before with the meeting agenda and the minutes from last month. If you’re not on our email list, please sign up using the tab on the upper right hand corner of this website.

Take care, stay safe, and we’ll get through this together!
