Because Covid infection numbers are going down in the county, the 10-09-21 RCDC meeting will be a hybrid in-person/Zoom at the Rappahannock County Library (4 Library Rd, Washington). Doors open at 9:30 am for coffee and conversation. The meeting starts at 10. Masking is encouraged.
For those who still feel hesitant, here is a Zoom link so they can still take part. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88616260788?pwd=NFNTbVIwOWNHMlNRRHpOaEkxc0xXUT09
Immediately following the meeting, we’ll meet outside the library for our Get Out the Vote Door-knocking Launch. We’ll be focusing on the village of Sperryville, Washington, and Flint Hill.
So this is a call for volunteers! All you need is a cellphone and a car. It’s more fun with a partner. We’ll provide the lists and instructions. You’ll have the rest of the weekend to complete your list. And while you’re at it, pick up some signs and bumper stickers (hot off the presses!).
We’ll be canvassing every weekend until Election Day, November 2. Let’s get out the vote for McAuliffe, Ayala, Herring, and our own Doug Ward for Delegate—and Hold the Democratic Majority in Richmond!