- Save the Date, Saturday July 8 for the next RCDC General meeting at the Little Washington Winery and Brewery, 1 pm. Come at 12:30 for coffee and snacks and conversation, and stick around afterwards for music and a cold beer. All are welcome! 72 Christmas Tree Lane, Washington VA.
- Be sure to stop by our booth at the July 4 Fireworks at Ben Venue Farm, 98 Ben Venue Rd, Ben Venue, VA from 3 pm to 9 pm. Meet the candidates, pick up bumper stickers, t-shirts, hats and other good swag, have some BBQ, and stick around for the fireworks!
- Friday July 14, 5:30 PM. join the Culpeper Dems in support Jason Ford for Senate 28 and Sara Ratcliffe for the House at a Bastille Day Soirée in Culpeper. Vive la Démocratie! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bastille_soiree
July is exploding with activities!